Emu Video by Meta

Revolutionizing Text-to-Video Generation through the Ingenious Integration of Diffusion Models.

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Factorized video generation

With Emu Video, we demonstrate the implementation of factorized video generation through a single diffusion model. This breakthrough paves the way for versatile applications across diverse video generation tasks. Our research explores crucial design decisions, such as fine-tuning noise schedules tailored for video diffusion. Additionally, we employ multi-stage training strategies to empower the direct generation of higher-resolution videos, pushing the boundaries of visual fidelity.

Unified Architecture Integration

End-to-end tests have a major trust problem. Broken code is not the only reason why test runs fail. Third-party dependencies; timing issues; randomness; race conditions and leaked states make the tests flaky and unreliable. We're deploying mitigation strategies so you don't lose precious time trying to debug perfectly fine code.

Join us in embracing the future of video generation with Emu Video $EMU.

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